Irish Blessing

“May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, May Mother Earth hold you in the hollow of her hand.”

Monday, September 22, 2014

2014 Oregon State Championship Finals

Last night you arrived home from a fun weekend in Bend. You and Papa left Thursday night and camped out at Union Creek Campground before heading to Uncle Sean's house. A funny thing happened camping, I guess you had to take a poop and you used a stick, a staff, a branch to prop yourself up to make it easy to squat; silly boy. So cute!

Friday the two of you arrived at your Uncle Sean's and helped him seal his house. You were bouncing off the trees with excitement! Saturday you were off to the track. You ended up placing third in the Pre-Race.
Saturday was the big day, triple points and a chance to race against others from all over the state. There were 6 kids in your moto. Uncle Sean and Rachel came as well as Brad and his wife Jenn. Brad and Jenn were only able to stay for practice but all the same you were very excited to have a crowd cheering you on. Brad bought you a T-shirt. The event was 9 hours long and have racing as fast as you could. You placed third! You and the kid in second place were neck in neck. So close, Papa didn't know what you placed until you came with your trophy. You also got a state plate; You are 5th in the state! It really is exciting!


I do not want to post my whole life on Facebook. I do not want to make scrap books. I do not want to accumulate photographs. I want to document my little ones life. Soooo, I am going to take this blog and turn it into a journal about Damien! I don't know if it is private so I will have to check into that at this point. Hmmm?